Mark Lerner Astrology Presents
Transpersonal Astrology In Service To The Nation, World and Cosmos.
New Moon, Full Moon, Eclipses
The word "lunation" in astrology generally includes every New Moon, Full Moon or Eclipse. While a New Moon (Sun conjunct Moon) and Full Moon (Sun opposite Moon) occur approximately once each month, a Solar or Lunar Eclipse happens much less frequently. The Daily Astrology Calendar contains information about these cosmic alignments, but the following feature gives you a broader overview.
Most newspapers carry the days and times of the four main solar-lunar cycles every month. These are called the New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon and Last Quarter. However, modern astrology explores even deeper phases of this prominent cycle of the two lights. The eminent astrologer Dane Rudhyar proposed an 8-fold division of the solar-lunar cycle in his masterpiece The Lunation Cycle – published in the 1940s. Other techniques of meticulously dividing up the waxing (increasing light) and waning (decreasing light) of the Moon have been promoted in recent decades.
What’s crucial to realize is that every New Moon (union of the two lights) is a seeding, starting or birthing moment for whatever needs to be released into the Earth, humanity and individuals during that 29.5 day lunation cycle. Every Full Moon (polarity of the two lights) is the climax, culmination or realization for whatever was released at the New Moon happening two weeks before. The Full Moon is also recognized in esoteric and spiritual circles as a key time to receive guidance, inspiration, wisdom, love and light coming from divine and hierarchical sources. These groups and centers often meditate – in group fashion – at or close to the Full Moon moment and also send out their healing thoughts and prayers to the world-at-large. The Alice A. Bailey centers (also known as the Arcane School and Lucis Publishing Company) have articulated over many decades that the Full Moons of Aries, Taurus and Gemini (happening in March-April, April-May and May-June each year) are the most potent of all the lunations. Even if you are not directly involved with one of these groups, your individual meditation or contemplation at the time of each Full Moon will help the more positive and universal flow of peace, harmony and understanding around the globe.
The two quarter Moon times should also be noted when you are studying the Daily Calendar. The First Quarter (Sun and Moon at right angles, and Moon increasing in light) is a time of “crisis in action.” There is usually a need to cut though physical or emotional obstacles in your path and manage your life with greater finesse. The Last Quarter (Sun and Moon at right angles, and Moon decreasing in light) is a time of “crisis in consciousness.” There is usually a need to cut through mental or even spiritual obstacles in your path and to start gearing up for the next New Moon that will happen a week later.
Dane Rudhyar also proposed a fascinating theory about the New Moon Before Birth in The Lunation Cycle book. He suggested that if the New Moon preceding someone’s birth was conjunct a celestial body in that individual’s birthchart, then that planet became the “Channel of Destiny.” Not everyone has a Channel of Destiny, but if you do it’s as if you become a kind of ambassador of that planet’s energies, qualities and vibrations. This can be for a high or low, noble or sinister purpose. For example, Rudhyar explains that Alice A. Bailey – whose writings from 1919-1949 with her teacher, the Tibetan Master D.K., contain nearly 30 volumes of esoteric wisdom – was born on June 16, 1880 and that the New Moon before her birth is conjunct her natal Venus in Gemini. Thus, she became an illuminating emissary of divine wisdom streaming in from the planet Venus in our solar system. Furthermore, Alexander Graham Bell – who invented the telephone on March 10, 1876 – was born on March 3, 1847. Rudhyar revealed that the New Moon before his birth occurred in late Aquarius and conjunct his Mercury-Neptune union at birth. Therefore, Bell had a kind of binary Channel of Destiny (Mercury-Neptune in Aquarius) – fitting in very well to the invention that has reshaped communications on a global and universal scale.
My own research has determined that Osama bin Laden – born on March 10, 1957 according to Interpol and confirmed by astrological researcher Karen Hamaker-Zondag in 2002 – has three celestial bodies functioning as Channels of Destiny! This is an extremely rare occurrence. The New Moon before his birth happened on March 1, 1957 at 11 degrees of Pisces. And 11 Pisces is where Mercury, Venus and Juno were located in his birthmap. This helps to explain the cunning and mind-power (Mercury), magnetism and wealth (Venus), empowerment and rage (Juno) that are a vital part of his astrological birth signature.
You can read more about the monthly solar-lunar phases and cycles in the Daily Cosmic Kalendar. If you know your birthchart fairly well, then note the house(s) where these lunations are happening. The affairs of those houses will be intensified – for good or ill.
Important: If a New Moon or Full Moon hits right on a celestial body or key angle in your birthchart, anticipate some fireworks surrounding the themes and meanings of what is being influenced. Only allow a small orb of perhaps 1 degree when checking this out.
For those astrology students researching the history of eclipses – according to what’s known as the Saros Series – the Total Solar Eclipse in 2006 occurred on March 29, 2006 at 8+ Aries (2:13AM PST). This eclipse was part of Saros Series 8 North in which the first eclipse of the series occurred on May 17, 1501 at the North Pole and energized the 5th degree of Gemini in close square to Uranus at 4 Pisces.
Another Total Solar Eclipse happened on August 1, 2008 at 9+ Leo (3:23AM PDT). This eclipse was part of Saros Series 10 South in which the first eclipse of the series occurred on March 10, 1179 (Old Style Calendar) at the South Pole and energized the 26th degree of Pisces (which is also the Mercury/Uranus midpoint in that chart).
A Total Solar Eclipse occurred on July 21, 2009 at 30 degrees of Cancer (7:37PM PDT). The eclipse is part of Saros Series 11 South in which the first eclipse of the series happened on June 14, 1360 (Old Style Calendar) at the South Pole and energized the first degree of Cancer.
A Total Solar Eclipse also happened on July 11, 2010 at 20 degrees of Cancer (12:35PM PDT). The eclipse is part of Saros Series 12 South in which the first eclipse of the series occurred on September 19, 1541 (Old Style Calendar) at the South Pole and energized 7 degrees of Libra.
There were no Total Solar Eclipses in 2011, but then another Total Solar Eclipse happened on November 13, 2012 at 22 degrees of Scorpio (2:13PM PST). The eclipse is part of Saros Series 15 North in which the first eclipse of the series occurred on July 13, 1219 (Old Style Calendar) at the North Pole and energized 27 degrees of Cancer.
In 2013, the Eclipse of Nov. 3 was actually a hybrid -- Total and Annular -- occurring at 12 degrees of Scorpio (4:48AM PST). This eclipse was part of Saros Series 16 North in which the first eclipse of the series occurred on Feb. 15, 1599 (Old Style Calendar) at the North Pole and energized 7 degrees of Pisces. The next completely Total Solar Eclipse occurred on March 20, 2015 -- activating 29+ degrees of Pisces -- at 2:47AM PDT. This eclipse was part of Saros Series 17 South in which the first eclipse of the series occurred on May 27, 933 (Old Style Calendar) at the South Pole and energized 10 degrees of Gemini.
New Moons Full Moons Eclipses Update March 27, 2020
A Total Solar Eclipse took place on August 21, 2017 at 29 degrees of Leo that affected a large number of states in the USA – beginning with Oregon and ending in South Carolina. Please see my Special Feature on this event in the Earth Aquarius News section of this website. The article is entitled: Eclipse-Catastrophe Develops over Weeks and Months.
​A Total Solar Eclipse took place at 11 degrees of Cancer on July 2, 2019 (12:24PM PDT). This eclipse is part of Saros Series 3 North in which the first eclipse of the series occurred on October 10, 991 (Old Style Calendar) at the North Pole. Its path of totality runs through the South Pacific Ocean and will be visible (weather permitting) in parts of Chile and Argentina.
The next Total Solar Eclipse will take place at 24 degrees of Sagittarius on December 14, 2020 (8:15AM PST). This eclipse is part of Saros Series 4 South in which the first eclipse of the series occurred on March 19, 1624 at the South Pole. Its path of totality – similar to the Total Solar Eclipse on July 2, 2019 – runs through the South Pacific Ocean and will be visible (weather permitting) in parts of Chile and Argentina.
© 2020 by Mark Lerner and Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved.