Mark Lerner Astrology Presents
Transpersonal Astrology In Service To The Nation, World and Cosmos.
Learn Astrology!
The Complete Set for $249!
Mark Lerner's School of Planetary Studies
Learn Astrology with Mark Lerner online at your own pace! Individual levels of this course run $199 each. However, when you buy all 3 levels together as a complete set, you normally get all for just $299.99! BUT RIGHT NOW you can get the Complete Set for $249!!
No code required! Best Value!
FREE* 3-Month Astrology Timeline Report ($55 value!) when you subscribe / renew to the Cosmic Kalendar for our annual $49.99 plan
Find some time to tune in to where you are at right now in your life, settle in to a comfortable spot and indulge by reading your personal Timeline Report -- our most sophisticated report describing your current and future time-periods according to planetary cycles. Transits, Secondary Progressions, and Eclipses are all woven together – and in chronological order. Highlight sections and visually graphed listings allow you to scan through all the direct hits. Explanations in Plain English are provided for all aspects given.
Note: Your birth month, day, year, time (AM/PM) and location is required to generate this specialized report.
*Complimentary report offer is for our annual $49.99 plan only. Upon successful subscription, Mark will email you for your birth information and reply back once received with your report as a PDF attachment.