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Advertise & become a Sponsor: Great Bear Enterprises Website, AstroScope Podcast, and GPS Astrology Magazine.

Advertise on Great Bear Enterprise website to share your business and special offers with our world-wide audience. Our website brings between 2500-5500 organic site visitors per month on average, with significant spikes in traffic when Mark participates in Interviews with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM Radio, and various other podcasts and media events. We offer advertising on a variety of pages, including the Homepage, AstroScope podcast page, Astrology Shop and News. Placement availability varies depending on current advertisers and time of year. 

AstroScope is now celebrating 22,000+ downloads with listeners all around the world! AstroScope is available on the Great Bear Enterprises website, as well as Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Google, Podchaser, Pocketcasts, iheartradio and more! Mark Lerner has been a Professional Astrologer, Writer and Publisher of the Great Bear Enterprises website for over 40 years. With AstroScope, Mark offers his timely, unconventional and insightful reports -- going back into the past, viewing current events and envisioning the future -- utilizing a unique skill-set of transpersonal astrological techniques in service of the Nation, the World and the Cosmos. 

GPS Astrology Magazine 

GPS Astrology is an online magazine dedicated to providing a Rainbow Bridge pathway between the astro-zodiacal and metaphysical fields of study on Earth with the supernal triangle of The Great Bear, the Pleiades and the star Sirius considered to be the Father, Mother and Christ Child of many streams of the Ageless Wisdom teachings.

Advertise on Great Bear Enterprises website. We will add your logo, image, business name and link to the websites in 2 places.

$300 per week

(2 week minimum,
paid monthly)
500 x 500 Square
Sponsor one episode of Mark Lerner's popular podcast, AstroScope!

Your business name, short offer & website link will be broadcast at the beginning and the end of the episode.

Time allotment is 30 Seconds which will air twice. 

$600 per episode
Asteroid and Planet plan PLUS

Sponsorship full-page advertisement inside cover of GPS Magazine

Special mention inside our email newsletter

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Send us an email to get started with your information and advertising preferences.
To make a contribution, you can learn more here.
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Contribute by writing a check or money order – payable to "Great Bear Enterprises."
This can be sent to the following address:

The Great Bear
P.O. Box 5164
Eugene OR 97405
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