Share your business with the GPS Astrology Magazine community! In harmony with Goodwill is Love in Action and our aspirations to further unite wonderful and impactful business and people, we urge you to consider adding your business information to our GPS Astrology Business Directory page!
Every issue we will share the business name, website url, social links and contact name / email you provide in order to establish a broader network, generate new business together, and support each other overall. The cost is simply $85 per issue.
We would love to learn more about all the creative gifts, services, and products each of you offer and hope to see your name in this upcoming issue of GPS Astrology Magazine!
After your order is received, we will email you directly for your business directory information. Please ensure you checkout using an email address / phone number that you check regularily. Thank you!
You can learn more about GPS Astrology Magazine here.
GPS Astrology Business Directory Listing
This purchase is for one business directory listing for one business and inside one issue of GPS Astrology Magazine. This is a one-time charge and for future issues you would purchase this same product again. We will not collect any reoccuring fees and we will not share your business directory information with any outside marketers. This purchase is non-refundable and contributes towards the collective success of GPS Astrology Magazine and our community at large. Thank you.