Whether you are a student of astrology, a professional or newcomer to this field of study, the Midpoint Keys Report, designed by professional astrologer Laura DesJardins, functions like a multi-faceted, x-ray view revealing how the Sun, Moon, 8 main planets, the Nodes of the Moon, the Ascendant (Rising Degree) and Midheaven (Sign on the 10th house cusp) are functioning and inter-relating with one another in your birth chart and into the future.
There is a 2-page explanation in your Midpoint Keys Report that gives the history of how this area of astrological research developed over the centuries and then defines what Midpoints are (fundamentally pairs of celestial bodies and angles in your birth chart and in Transits, Progressions & Solar Arc Directions), plus a detailed description over many pages of your main Midpoint pairs at birth, and then another detailed interpretation for many pages of your future Midpoints by Transit, Progression & Solar Arc Direction.
Because there are dozens of significant midpoints at your birth and as you experience every day, week, month and year of your life, we are offering the Midpoint Keys Report for 2 years, 5 years or 10 years at different prices. The 2-year report can run for around 80 pages, so you can anticipate much longer reports when you order the 5-year or 10-year report.
Check out our Sample Reports area in the Astrology Reports section of our Astrology Shop for Beyonce Knowles and Nicolas Cage to see the kinds of interpretations you will receive when you order the Midpoint Keys Report for yourself and dear ones.
It’s time to become the Mr. Spock of your own astro-universe by entering what Star Trek VI film-watchers referred to metaphorically as The Undiscovered Country – only this is the astrological version via comprehending your present and future Midpoint Keys.
Important Notes from Mark Lerner: Although the Midpoint Keys Report is recommended more for students of astrology and professionals rather than newcomers, if you are just getting into astrology and have seen your birth chart and ordered reports like The Sky Within Natal Report, Heaven Knows What, AstroTalk, Just for Women or any other natal-type report, then the Midpoint Keys Report will help you in a fantastic way to get into the in-depth structure of your Sun, Moon, 8 main planets, the Rising and Midheaven Signs, and the Nodes of the Moon at your birth. I started working with Midpoints in the first year of my astrological studies decades ago and I can vouch for their incredible importance and accuracy. Plus, this fantastic tour-de-force by Laura DesJardins will make you realize that the natal and ongoing Midpoints functioning in your life have a validity and significance that often give you close-to-exact timing of when crucial life-changes occur and how to prepare for them.
Midpoint Keys 2 YEARS
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