Today, January 3, 2018, Nancy Lee Vierra, my beloved partner of 28+ years, left her earthly body of great pain and suffering to enter the heavenly realms and its grand adventures. She is a guiding Soul-Spirit of Love, Beauty, Kindness, Knowledge and Wisdom who I and so many other people on Planet Earth are privileged to know. I Love You Nance and Always Will…Mark.
"To die, to sleep – to sleep, perchance to dream."(Hamlet)
Story Collection
As part of a future literary memoir, we are presenting a series of articles Nancy wrote in the 1990s about the Earth, Nature, the Environment, and other important topics.
These features are even more meaningful now than they were back over 25 years ago because our nation has failed to progress and evolve in so many ways. Several additional stories will be posted in the near future.

"All We Know Of Heaven"
By Nancy De La Vierra

"Stone Thrush" By Nancy De La Vierra

"EarthSigns" By Nancy De La Vierra

"Slouching Toward Bethlehem" By Nancy De La Vierra

"Mermaids in the Basement” By Nancy De La Vierra

A Special Message From Mark
At her burial on January 12 – which she requested I witness on my own – she guided me to bring three books. Two were of favorite poets Sara Teasdale and Robert Frost, and the third one was her Holy Bible. Prompted by her, I read The Flight by Sara Teasdale and The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.
From the Holy Bible, I read nine verses from one of the Four Gospels, describing the Transfiguration of Jesus on a high mountain, in front of three of his disciples, while Moses and Elijah were present.
At one point earlier, when in silent prayer, I thought of Jesus at the Last Supper with his 12 disciples, seemingly out of nowhere, 13 geese appeared flying in a V-formation from the west and then flew exactly over Nancy’s burial site moving directly east. No other birds of any kind were present before, during or after the ceremony. Once again, as she had done so many times in this Lifetime, Nancy revealed the Rainbow Bridge between Heaven and Earth.
We All Love Nancy, and Nancy Loves All of Us.
Gratefully, in being able to be a part of Nancy’s Life for nearly 29 years,
JANUARY 18, 1953 - JANUARY 3, 2018
Click to view the PDF for Nancy's Celebration Of Life flyer with Special Tribute & Message from Mark
SPECIAL MUSIC SELECTIONS: Click to listen to songs which Nancy loved and wanted to share during this time.
Sarah McLachlan - ANSWER Tim McGraw - Please Remember Me The Beatles - The Long and Winding Road The Beatles - Let It Be
Thank you all for joining this collective Celebration Of Life, and for sending in additional tributes and love for Nancy.
If you would like a personal message or tribute for Nancy or Mark added to this collection, you can send the information to mark at this email.
From Sabrina Dearborn
Hello Mark, I bought two irises today and tied them together with a pink Ribbon. To me they represented you and Nancy and the love that you’ll share now for eternity. I took them to the Abbey and placed them on the alter in St.Patrick’s Chapel and sat down, meditated and said prayers for you both.
I lit a candle for Nancy to add Grace to her journey and left a note in the “Prayer basket” for you both. The basket is picked up weekly and prayers are said in the services held in the chapel for those who’s names have been written on the little slips of paper.
I then took the flowers to the main alter in the Abbey ruins. This is the one underground in what was formerly the Lady Chapel. Once again, I meditated and said prayers for you both and for your ancestors. Afterwards I laid the flowers on the graves of King Arthur and Guinevere and asked that as her body was laid to rest that her spirit would soar.
I took the flowers back home to my little shrine in the garden. I have the good fortune to live on/in a Sacred Site as my house is nestled into the side of Wearyall Hill. Wearyall Hill was where Joseph of Arimathea landed after his long journey from the Mid-East to bring the Grail to Avalon. It’s the home of the Fisher King and the Grail Castle and in some early Pagen Cultures is known as “The Celtic Isle of The Dead.”
In Celtic terms, it is a place where one lays their Weary bones and is lifted by the Ancestors into the other world. So a part of Nancy’s memory is resting on Wearyall Hill in a small shrine overlit by a little Pan boy who plays his pipes and gives a blessing to the animals and plants that she loved.
Much love,
From Peggy
Nancy's best friend, who also worked with her as a real-estate agent back in the early 1990s, is making a special pilgrimage today on her Birthday from Upstate NY to New York City to visit St. Patrick’s Cathedral to Honor Nancy and to bring a gift bag of items to a needy individual – as a symbol of Nancy’s caregiving nature and her belief in the kindness of strangers.
From Wayne Moody
January 17, 10:11 p.m., 2018
Dearest Mark,
During the summer of 2017, I witnessed first-hand large, magnificent herds of elephants, in their natural home environment, at peace, and protected, in great numbers, in the wilds of South Africa. Elephants are fitting animal totems for a great soul, so I will take Nancy's doctor, Dr. Gilchrist's lead and think of her as being associated with the greatest land animal. Given your sharing, I feel like I witnessed free and safe elephants for Nancy.
Nancy joins in spirit with these awesome lifeforms, her life contributing to a great legacy. Your brother in love, respect, support, and great works,
Hi Mark,
Phil West here. I'm reaching out to let you know that I received your message yesterday. I was very saddened by the news - so, too, was Jen. That said, I'm sorry I missed you and want you to know that we're thinking of you and Nancy at this very difficult time. This afternoon, at 4:06, I stopped and took a moment to listen to The Long and Winding Road. It is, indeed, a very beautiful song and a longtime favorite of mine. Suffice it to say, it now has a new place in my heart.
Our deepest sympathy,
Phil and Jen
Thank you, Mark, for the invitation.
What a wonderful way to honor Nancy by celebrating her life. The stories about how friends are celebrating are heart-warming, and I am sure are helping you in this difficult time.
These last years have not been easy for you, but I hope you find solace knowing how special your being able to care for her was. It will be something you will cherish the rest of your life.
The words she spoke about her dad coming for her give evidence that there is much more than we know now. And your seeing the geese shows too that our loved ones remain with us. As you may know, geese mate for life so there is great symbolism.
Again, please accept my deepest sympathies. I will let you know how I honor this lovely, courageous woman.
Love and blessings,
I am extremely honored to be included in the celebration of life for Nancy.
For those of us that knew her for the kind hearted soul that she was and continues to be, we are truly blessed.
Since I Last spoke to you in person, I have included a special prayer for both Nancy and you each and every day.
It is my humble wish that both Nancy and you are comforted in the knowledge that so many people have honored her and that she is now reunited with her earthly father as well as our heavenly Father.
I for one will always have a fond place in my heart and memory for both Nancy as well as you. We have always had a friendship that transcends the norm and I wish many blessings for Nancy as well as you and your family.
I have also said a special prayer in honor of Nancy and you today.
Be well, and know that I am thinking of both of you today and always.
Brother Mark,
Your letter is written proof of your love and devotion for Nancy! You have a huge wonderful heart my dear friend.
My family and I are having a moment of silence before dinner this evening in honor of Nancy. May she be with the angels…
Love and Peace.
I have been thinking of you and Nancy. I read “All We Know of Heaven” and was profoundly moved by Nancy’s writing.
All the best,
Dear Mark,
I am so sorry to hear of Nancy’s death. Your devotion to her was a comfort to her that eased her pain greatly I’m sure. I had always hoped her health would improve and you and she could enjoy her later years to a fuller extent.
Thank you for sharing her poignant article about her Dad. I was unaware of it; it certainly tells a lot about her, not the least of which is that she was a talented writer.
My sincere sympathy goes out to you.
We are so sorry, Mark, peace be to her soul. You have been such a dedicated, valiant soldier through these years and such a loving support to Nancy. She will always be with you.
Connie & Karimu
I think it's absolutely wonderful that you are honoring Nancy in a Celebration of Life on this, her birthday. It is truly a beautiful act of love. The uplifting energy is carrying her spirit everywhere. She is surely smiling.
I do agree that Nancy had tremendous talent for writing! She easily could have been a celebrated author. I am very glad to read that her father came to escort her to heaven. When my mom passed (I was by her side) I suddenly felt her whole family standing around the bed just a couple of minutes before she passed - the energy was that strong!!! So I know that Nancy's dad really was there.
The Universe conducts the great symphony of all our life journeys with its own precision, no matter how joyful or painful.
Love and Blessings,
I am very happy that you carried out the final arrangements just as you and Nancy desired. Everything you just described was so meaningful to both of you...very spiritual and beautiful. Although I hadn't heard anything specific, I was thinking and feeling that Friday, January 12, 2018 would be "the day!"
I'm not sure if you realized it, but on that day 100 years ago, Grandma & Grandpa Payne were married...January 12, 1918! Again, so glad you followed your heart and that Nancy left you with the impression that she and her father were together again!
I believe that in spite of your tremendous loss, January 18 will be a wonderful, spiritually fulfilling day for you and all of us that love you and know how much you loved Nancy.
I love you always,