Total Lunar Eclipses are “rare” in the sense that – if they do occur in a calendar year, and sometimes they don’t – there will only be one or two happening during that 12-month time-period.
At the end of this Astro-Flash, you will see one chart – for the upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse of January 21, 2019 with the Sun at 1 degree of Aquarius and the Moon at 1 degree of Leo, calculated for Washington, DC.
For the last few weeks on social media and via announcements by astronomically-oriented websites, this spectacular event has been designated as a Blood Full Moon (due to the reddish coloring of the lunar orb being eclipsed by the Earth’s shadow) and a Wolf Full Moon (linked to the lunar orb’s large appearance as the Moon is at its monthly perigee, closest distance to the Earth).
Nevertheless, due to the great infrequency of the occurrence of a Total Lunar Eclipse right at the beginning of Aquarius and that President Trump was born on the day of a Total Lunar Eclipse (and within approximately 4 hours of that event on June 14, 1946), the fact that our country could be on the verge of a “National Emergency” concerning immigration at our southern border brings this January 21 solar-lunar opposition across the zodiac into dynamic focus in all of our lives.
Keep in mind as I share a few themes for all of us to be aware of in the next 11 days and until the next New Moon occurs on February 4, 2019 at 16 degrees of Aquarius (launching the annual Chinese New Year) that for centuries Total Lunar Eclipses (plus any lunar eclipse or full moon) were often considered by shamans, astronomers-astrologers and magi as potentially ominous events. Why?
Because these types of heavenly events are often extreme in their effects, and the natural realm (the tides, atmosphere, animals as well as some human beings) often responds in “unnatural ways.” Hence, the eventual idea developed among some societies that people could be turned into werewolves, shape-shifting creatures, and experience “lunacy” or aberrant psychological behavior when the Moon appeared “full” of light or “partially” or “totally” eclipsed of its light.
This is important to remember in our modern era when millions of spiritually-inclined earthlings meditate – in group or individual ways – to bring through enlightenment and spread goodwill around the world. But the greater truth is that the divine voltage at solar-lunar polarities – particularly a Total Lunar Eclipse – can prove to be too intense for people, communities, States of the Union, a country and our home planet to handle without crises ensuing.
Having articulated the above for your consideration, here is a brief list of what alignments are happening at this Total Lunar Eclipse:
The asteroid Pallas in Libra is exactly on the eastern horizon in our nation’s capital and exactly square to the fate-destiny energizing orbit of the Moon (the Lunar Nodes). Pallas has many meanings, but key archetypes connect to knowledge, wisdom, problem-solving, strategizing, the immune system, DNA, economics, engineering, think-tanks, research facilities, city life, industrial centers, but also the entire justice system, courts, attorneys, and the rule of law. The Owl is one of the major totems related to Pallas (also associated with Athena in Greek mythology and Minerva in Roman mythology).
During the 90-minutes before the exact moment of the Total Lunar Eclipse, the two largest bodies in our solar system – the Sun in Aquarius and Jupiter in Sagittarius – form a tense, 45-degree aspect in the sky while Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces.
Less than seven hours following the exact moment of the Total Lunar Eclipse, Mars in its home sign of fiery Aries squares Saturn in its home sign of earthy Capricorn. Note: The red planet Mars will also be square to America’s Sun in Cancer and opposite America’s Saturn in Libra, and the beautiful ringed planet Saturn will be opposite America’s Sun and square to its natal placement at the time of our nation’s birth on July 4, 1776. In addition, Mercury in Capricorn will have just opposed its natal placement in Cancer in the USA birth chart. And be aware that our nation’s Moon is conjunct Pallas in late Aquarius while modern China (born October 1, 1949) has the Moon and its rising sign in early Aquarius. [There will be more to come on the USA-China Aquarius Moon connection, President Trump born at a Total Lunar Eclipse, Jupiter station direct and between two Partial Solar Eclipses in a future article in this series.]
While it is fortunate that on Tuesday January 22, Venus and Jupiter make a highly harmonious convergence at 17 degrees of Sagittarius, the Total Lunar Eclipse is going to influence our nation and humanity while Pallas and the Orbit of the Moon, the Sun and Jupiter, Venus and Neptune, plus Mars and Saturn are all flashing warning signs of conflict and discontent on a large scale.
There is much more to this cosmic event (seriously and perhaps ominously affecting America over the next two years) that I will spell out in a future series of features, but for now what is crucial is to read this “handwriting on the celestial wall” ahead of time, and for each one of us to become the personification of tender loving care with dear ones, friends, partners, people we meet in our daily lives, our neighbors and pets, and the wonders of Mother Nature in order to neutralize any of the shadowy forces that could be unleashed by the Total Lunar Eclipse of January 21, 2019.
Copyright 2019 by Mark Lerner and Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved.