Henry Louis “Hammerin’ Hank” Aaron – born February 5, 1934 in Mobile, Alabama – was one of the greatest Major League Baseball players, first with the Milwaukee Braves, then with the Atlanta Braves when the franchise moved to Georgia in 1966, and finally with the Milwaukee Brewers. He broke Babe Ruth’s seemingly impossible number of home runs (714) with a pitch from LA Dodger Pitcher Al Downing on April 8, 1974* and holds numerous records (most runs batted in, total bases and extra-base hits) as one of the best all-around athletes in the history of America’s National Pastime. He was the picture of consistency, reliability and determination in all aspects of the sport as a Sun-sign Aquarian.

*Special Notes: When Hank Aaron broke Ruth’s home run record, Chiron in Aries had exactly returned to its natal placement in the USA birth chart from July 4, 1776. Next year on April 8, 2024 will be the 50th anniversary of Aaron’s 715th home run and Chiron will once again return to its natal placement for the USA and simultaneously there will be a Total Solar Eclipse moving up from Mexico and going through the USA Southeast, Northeast and into Eastern Canada. Chiron themes are particularly connected to the concepts of the wounded healer, dealing with pain, shamans-mentors, keys that open doors to higher consciousness, the Twilight Zone, immortality, and existing beyond chronological time. It is also a synchronicity that Babe Ruth – whose home run record Aaron broke – was a fellow Sun-sign Aquarian born on February 6, 1895.
Consider this remarkable Numerological Fact! Aaron wore the number 44 and Pitcher Al Downing wore the same number 44 when the home run record was broken on April 8. 44 is considered a Master Number in Numerology.

Dateline February 3, 2023: For those of you who are now enjoying the Astrology Cosmic Kalendar App one day at a time – but who have not yet subscribed to be able to look several weeks into the future – here are the calendar entries for the very potent Aquarius-Leo Full Moon on Sunday February 5 and the day after Monday February 6. Because every day – beyond the current 24 hours that we define as one rotation of our celestial orb on its axis – has astro-zodiacal magic, mystery and wonder is why thousands of people around the world have been tuning into the Astrological Cosmic Kalendar for the last 41 years and since it was at the heart-center of our Welcome to Planet Earth pioneering astrology newspaper/magazine during the 1980s and 1990s.
The main reason this Full Moon — energizing 17 degrees of Aquarius and Leo — is extra significant is due to the largest asteroid Ceres in Libra making a rare polarity to the largest planet in the solar system – Jupiter in Aries – less than two hours before the enlightening solar-lunar alignment.

For much more on the opportunities and challenges associated with recent New and Full Moons and Eclipses, please listen to the most recent podcasts in the Mark Lerner Astrology Radio AstroScope section on our website.
You can read more about this Aquarius-Leo Full Moon and the day after in the two calendar entries below. Please consider the merits of subscribing to the Astrology Cosmic Kalendar App to strengthen your already developing skills as a seer who can tune into the future ahead of time.

Future Cosmic Kalendar Entries for Sunday February 5 and Monday February 6 (All times are listed in PST.)
Sunday February 5 The Full Moon is really a five-day sequence of dynamic energies each month. We have just experienced a 48-hour time-period of preparation for the inflow of divine energies and now the crescendo of the solar-lunar cycle is exact at 10:30am with the Sun and Moon energizing 17 degrees of Leo and Aquarius. With the Moon trine to shaman-mentor centaur Chiron in Aries (2:40am) and Vesta in Pisces forming a supportive, 60-degree rapport with Pluto in Capricorn (3:05am), send out your prayers and healing affirmations to dear ones, Mother Earth and the realms of nature. Don’t allow self-doubts and lingering frustrations to interfere with your meditative high vibrations since a Juno in Aries 45-degree tense aspect to Saturn in Aquarius (3:00am) and a rare polarity between Ceres still motionless in Libra and giant Jupiter in Aries (9:12am) are evoking a wide assortment of reactions from earthbound travelers. Let your inner child roam free and enjoy an evening of celebration that is in sync with the Moon in the fifth zodiacal sign igniting creative artistic fires. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

Monday February 6 The two days that follow any illuminating Full Moon provide a golden opportunity for enlightened human souls to play the role of ambassador of goodwill far and wide. A vast array of spiritual forces that can change earthly lives for the better are at your disposal and the question is whether you will rise to the occasion and be a superhero who will magnanimously reach out to uplift struggling dear ones. Avoid stumbling over old fears during the monthly Moon in Leo polarity to Saturn in Aquarius (6:17am) that also begins a nearly 7-hour void lunar cycle that concludes at 1:15pm when the Moon enters earthy Virgo. During the void zone, reflect on recent profound dreams and visions of the Great Beyond as Mercury in Capricorn makes a supportive, 60-degree alliance with Neptune in Pisces (10:27am). The Moon entering the sixth sign of the zodiac can be a catalyst that builds up your skill-sets as an efficiency master and organizing genius. Focusing attention on the little things in life and the crucial details in any game-plan is reinforced. Maintain a kind-hearted approach to key loved ones as Venus in Pisces forms an abrasive, 45-degree link with Pluto in Capricorn (10:23pm). [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]
To learn more about many archetypes associated with the Sun, the Moon, the eight planets Mercury through Pluto, Pallas Athena, Ceres, Juno, Vesta and Chiron – please visit the complimentary Astro-Business Keys section on our website.
And if you want to order a great report on the 4 main asteroids as well as Chiron in your birth chart — along with their meanings and mythological connections, zodiacal sign and house placements, and aspects to other celestial bodies when you were born — please click on our Special Offers Tab on the same website to order our 3-in-1 Special Astro Reports discounted at $89.99 that includes the Four Asteroids & Chiron Report, the Just for Women Report and a 1-year Sky Log Report on your major Transits and Progressions. Plus, we have two other 3-in-1 Special Reports combinations – Energize Your Life and Get into Your Progressions, and each of these packages is discounted to $89.99 as well. And now as well, we have a new report section entitled AstroWOW for you to visit to order four terrific reports!
You can view a sample of the Four Asteroids & Chiron Report for Margaret Thatcher to see the type of interpretations in this kind of computerized report which, if you order it as part of our 3-in-1 Special, will be based completely on your birth data. Sample Reports of well-known people around the world – for all our reports available for purchase in the Astrology Shop – are located in the Astrology Reports section.

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