Dateline January 15, 2022: The Capricorn Full Moon happening on Monday January 17, 2022 can make an extraordinary impact in your personal life and for all of humanity. You can read more about the upcoming Full Moon vibrations in one of the two future calendar entries below as well as tune into Tuesday January 18 when radical-change agent, shock-inducer and intuition-awakener Uranus in Taurus halts its retrograde motion in Taurus to turn direct.
Celebrities and famous people born on January 17:
Michelle Obama
Benjamin Franklin
Eartha Kitt
Muhammad Ali
David Lloyd George
James Earl Jones
Jim Carrey

In addition in the Capricorn Full Moon horoscope calculated for Washington, D.C, surprise-bringer, revolutionary Uranus – stationary in Taurus – is overhead and conjunct the Midheaven while problem-solver and strategist Pallas Athena and far-out, visionary Neptune are exactly united in Pisces, plus the Moon at 28 degrees of Cancer is exactly energizing its precise location from 27 days earlier when the potent Solstice occurred on December 21, 2021. There are other profound and anomalous sky configurations occurring during this solar-lunar polarity and the chart is shown at the end of this feature.
For more astro-insight into this Capricorn Full Moon, continue reading below for Jan. 17 & 18 entries from inside my Astrology Cosmic Kalendar app...

For a wide variety of insights on both of these rather momentous days this month – particularly associated with the USA birth chart from July 4, 1776 – please listen to my recent podcasts in the Mark Lerner Astrology Radio AstroScope section on our website. Plus, in several of these podcasts I discuss the discovery on November 14, 2003 of the far-distant planet Sedna – which has an 11,400-year orbit around our Sun – and currently is making a rare, profound conjunction with the largest asteroid Ceres and the Mean Lunar North Node in late-Taurus near the Pleiades constellation.

Future Cosmic Kalendar Entries for Monday January 17 and Tuesday January 18 (All times are listed in PST.)

Monday January 17 While the Full Moon — energizing 28 degrees of Capricorn and Cancer at 3:50pm — is of central importance for all humanity, it is not the only celestial alignment making waves right now. Pallas Athena merges with Neptune at 22 degrees of Pisces (9:03am) opening the Doors of Perception (a la Aldous Huxley) just a little wider than usual. Solving problems via your strategic thinking and imaginative prowess is one way to harness this powerful rendezvous of celestial bodies. Focus attention on the attainment of high-level knowledge and graduating into the upper echelons of the normally invisible University of Solar Systemic Wisdom. Nurturing elders and children is a natural urge later on when the Sun leaves its opposition to the Moon to make a harmonious trine with Ceres in Taurus (7:30pm). Send out your healing thoughts, prayers and affirmations to humanity and the kingdoms of nature around the exact time of the Full Moon (3:50pm). Be aware that a 4+ hour void lunar dispensation occurs at 3:50pm and ends when the lion’s roar is heard as the Moon enters fiery Leo (8:04pm). Get set for electrifying agent-provocateur Uranus making its halt in Taurus tomorrow morning at 7:28am to shift from reverse to direct while Mercury forms a supportive, 60-degree alliance with Chiron and Mars jolts Uranus via a frictional, 135-degree arc. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

Tuesday January 18 The highly illuminating Full Moon may be in your rear-view mirror, but revelations definitely are pervasive. Not only is Uranus making a station to shift from reverse to direct at 11 degrees of Taurus (7:28am), but several other celestial forces are igniting psychic fireworks. Healing vibrations are highlighted as Mercury retrograde in Aquarius forms a supportive, 60-degree liaison with Chiron in Aries (2:05am). Mars spices up the Uranus halt in the heavens by connecting with the quirky, eccentric planet via a tense, 135-degree aspect (10:12am). Plus, the Moon now in lion-roaring Leo makes its monthly polarity with Mercury (12:40pm), a flowing trine to Chiron (1:23pm) followed by a square to Uranus (5:12pm) and its monthly polarity to Saturn in Aquarius (11:20pm). Focus attention on these Uranus themes to understand how to best utilize its energies – surprises, revolution and radical change, intuition, eccentricity, the multi-media and high technology, advances in science and industry, aviation and space travel, the occult and metaphysics, jokers and wild cards, drawing outside the box, anxiety and the nervous system, upheavals and anarchy. Uranus remains direct until August 24 when it will stop its forward motion in the zodiac again at 19 degrees of Taurus to go retrograde. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

To learn more about many archetypes associated with the Sun, Moon, 8 planets, Chiron and the 4 main asteroids – please visit the complimentary Astro-Business Keys section on our website.

And if you want to order a great report on the 4 main asteroids as well as Chiron in your birth chart — along with their meanings and mythological connections, zodiacal sign and house placements, and aspects to other celestial bodies when you were born — please visit the Astrology Shop on the same website to order the new 3-in-1 Special Astro Reports discounted at $89.99 that includes the Four Asteroids & Chiron Report, the Just for Women Report and a 1-year Sky Log Report on your major Transits and Progressions. You can also view a sample of the Four Asteroids & Chiron Report for Margaret Thatcher to see the type of interpretations in this kind of computerized report which, if you order it as part of our 3-in-1 Special, will be based completely on your birth data.

Because every day – beyond the current 24 hours that we define as one rotation of our celestial orb on its axis – has astro-zodiacal magic, mystery and wonder is why thousands of people around the world have been tuning into the Astrological Cosmic Kalendar for the last 40 years and since it was at the heart-center of our Welcome to Planet Earth pioneering astrology newspaper/magazine during the 1980s and 1990s.
With any 1-year Cosmic Kalendar subscription or renewal, you will receive a *complimentary Heaven Knows What astrology report– sent to you as an attachment to email.
*Details: Following your subscription or renewal, Mark will contact you requesting your birth data. Heaven Knows What is a natal and transit report combined. It is based on the astrologer Grant Lewi’s wisdom and teachings. He wrote two best sellers on astrology back before World War II – Heaven Knows What and Astrology for the Millions. This report offers a unique slant on your birth chart energies and key, potent transiting cycles affecting your life during the near future.
Copyright 2022 by Mark Lerner and Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved.