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Global Hot Spot: The Leo New Moon on August 8, 2021

Writer's picture: Mark LernerMark Lerner

Dateline Friday August 6, 2021: For those of you who are now enjoying the Astrology Cosmic Kalendar App one day at a time – but who have not yet subscribed to be able to look several weeks into the future – here are the calendar entries for two very significant days (Sunday August 8 and Monday August 9). Because every day – beyond the current 24 hours that we define as one rotation of our celestial orb on its axis – has astro-zodiacal magic, mystery and wonder is why thousands of people around the world have been tuning into the Astrological Cosmic Kalendar for the last 40 years and since it was at the heart-center of our Welcome to Planet Earth pioneering astrology newspaper/magazine during the 1980s and 1990s.

The Leo New Moon on August 8, 2021 can make an extraordinary impact in your personal life and for all of humanity. You can read more about this powerful solar-lunar rendezvous in one of the two future calendar entries below as well as tune into the day after, August 9, when a large number of celestial challenges inundate the psychic atmosphere of humanity. Please consider the merits of subscribing to the Astrology Cosmic Kalendar to strengthen your already developing skills as a seer who can tune into the future ahead of time.

From the favorable perspective and when looking over the New Moon chart calculated for Washington, D.C. (presented at the end of this feature), Vesta rising in Libra and forming a supportive, 60-degree sextile alliance with Juno in Sagittarius, plus Vesta approaching a harmonious trine aspect of 120-degrees with Saturn in Aquarius, are certainly helpful especially in regard to feminine issues and various matters associated with these three celestial bodies.

It is wise for all Americans to prepare for a surge in confusing and chaotic vibes due to the real, far-out planet Chaos at 29 degrees of Gemini and within 1 degree of the tenth house placement in the chart calculated for our nation’s capital. No symbol or abbreviation for Chaos appears in the chart presented at the end of this Global Hot Spot feature, but it is definitely at that position. This planet was discovered back on November 19, 1998 when it was at 27 degrees of Taurus and I discussed its influences in a recent podcast. For more on Chaos, see the Mark Lerner Astrology Radio AstroScope podcast section on our website. In addition, please read the following paragraph about the asteroid Juno*.

*Important Note about “Dangerous Storms” in the Psychic Atmosphere: If national and international events develop in connection with Juno retrograde in Sagittarius close to the transiting Mean South Node of the Moon (both of which are directly opposite the USA Uranus and square the USA Ceres from July 4, 1776) that warrant greater explanations and analysis, I will provide more information on our website. Juno has many sterling and admirable qualities and archetypes, but when it manifests in a negative manner then rage by the disempowered, terrorist acts as well as atmospheric storms can manifest. We have already witnessed and experienced a blazing record of heat and fires moving through the USA Pacific Northwest and affecting British Columbia, Canada at the end of June and the beginning of July. More devastating storms concerning all four elemental forces – Fire, Earth, Air and Water – are being reported throughout July and into early August from all over the world. Juno made a station to go retrograde on April 12 and just made another station to go direct on August 2 – with both halts in the sky in fiery Sagittarius.

Future Cosmic Kalendar Entries for Sunday August 8 and Monday August 9 (All times are listed in PDT.)

Sunday August 8 Patience is a cardinal and cosmic virtue in the hours leading up to the New Moon — activating 17 degrees of Leo at 6:51am. Trying to make things happen your way or dashing ahead with bold, new plans when the dark-of-the-moon vibrations are in control is taboo. The arrival of the solar-lunar conjunction provides the best energy-field to take several giant steps forward. Some caution is still advised as Mercury and Vesta shake things up via a frictional, 45-degree arc (12:09pm). A burst of lightning-like insight is welcome in sync with the Sun forming a parallel with Uranus (3:42pm). Your communication skills are ratcheted-up — thanks to the monthly Moon union with Mercury (10:46pm). Be ready for a mesmerizing cascade of celestial influences impinging on the psychic atmosphere tomorrow. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

Monday August 9 Maintain your grip on reality as a wide assortment of heavenly portents stir up unsettled conditions on Mother Earth. Be aware of the monthly Moon-Jupiter polarity from Leo to Aquarius (5:24am) which starts a 2+ hour void lunar zone that lasts until 7:57am when the Moon enters earthy Virgo. While a Mercury-Ceres parallel (11:31am) and Vesta trine to Saturn in air signs (3:52pm) combine forces to keep everyone reasonably on course, a half dozen sky anomalies seek to undermine the forward motion you may have achieved following yesterday’s New Moon. Watch the clock as these six challenging aspects occur — Mercury moving 150-degrees to distant Pluto in Capricorn (12:04am) and making the same alignment to problem-resolver Pallas Athena in Pisces (8:54am), Venus contra-parallel and opposite Neptune in Pisces (10:17am and 5:21pm), the Moon conjunct Mars in Virgo (8:43pm) and Mars square the Mean Lunar Nodes (10:04pm). Under these celestial conditions, it is logical and sensible to put major decisions and commitments on temporary hold until the astro-zodiacal coast is much clearer. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

To learn more about many archetypes associated with the Sun, Moon, 8 main planets, 4 key asteroids and Chiron – please visit the complimentary Astro-Business Keys section on our website at

And if you want to order a great report on the 4 main asteroids as well as Chiron in your birth chart — along with their meanings and mythological connections, zodiacal sign and house placements, and aspects to other celestial bodies when you were born — please visit the Astrology Shop on the same website to order the New! 3-in-1 Special Astrology & Asteroid Reports – including the Just for Women and Four Asteroids & Chiron natal reports, plus a 1-year Sky Log Report on your all-important Transits and Secondary Progressions. This new 3-in-1 group of reports is being promoted in the two latest podcasts #84 and #85 (The Astrology of a Rare Asteroid Apocalypse in 2021: Part 1 and 2) in the Mark Lerner Astrology Radio AstroScope section on our website. You can also view Sample Reports in the Astrology Report area of our Astrology Shop to see the type of interpretations in these computerized reports which, if you order them, will be based completely on your birth data.

Keep tuned to this online channel for late-breaking astrological stories.

© 2021 by Mark Lerner and Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


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