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Global Hot Spot: The Sun Entering Cancer Solstice on June 21, 2023

Writer's picture: Mark LernerMark Lerner

The Astronomy of the Solstice in Three Images

Dateline June 20, 2023: For those of you who are now enjoying the Astrology Cosmic Kalendar App one day at a time – but who have not yet subscribed to be able to look several weeks into the future – here are the calendar entries for the powerful Solstice – Sun entering Cancer – on Wednesday June 21 and the following day Thursday June 22. Because every day – beyond the current 24 hours that we define as one rotation of our celestial orb on its axis – has astro-zodiacal magic, mystery and wonder is why thousands of people around the world have been tuning into the Astrological Cosmic Kalendar for the last 42 years and since it was at the heart-center of our Welcome to Planet Earth pioneering astrology newspaper/magazine during the 1980s and 1990s.

The main reasons this Solstice — energizing 0 degrees of Cancer — are extra significant is due to the Sun still united with peace-and-harmony advocate Juno, maternal and productivity-strong Ceres entering Libra and squaring the Sun, the Sun having just made an oblique, 150-degree link with underworld-ruler Pluto, plus Messenger of the Gods Mercury in Gemini forming supportive, 60-degree sextile alliances to both the red planet Mars in Leo and wounded-healer Chiron in Aries along with the Moon making its monthly union with love-romance goddess Venus in Leo.

Plus, Saturn at 7+ degrees of Pisces remains in a square aspect to the Nuclear Axis – an area of the zodiac between approximately 7 & 11 degrees of Gemini and Sagittarius that I discovered back in 1982 and which is related strongly with atomic and nuclear energy, technology, warfare, testing and treaties. To read about my research, please click here.

*Important Regarding Vesta: Note that the asteroid Vesta is exactly overhead in our nation’s capital in Washington, D.C. at the Solstice – which begins the summer season in the Northern Hemisphere. Vesta has many superlative themes and qualities associated with home and hearth, investment planning, insurance coverage, soul sisters, diplomacy and embassies, the Eternal Flame of ancient temples and priestesses, but when functioning negatively Vesta has a connection with out-of-control fires, arson and, most egregiously, violations of national and international safety and security as well as rogue leaders attempting to seize territory which doesn’t belong to them (think Putin versus Ukraine and the former leader of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and many other infamous autocrats and dictators around the globe). The USA Federal Government, and many of our schools and businesses, as well as the states of Oregon & Louisiana, recently suffered hacking from a thus-far unknown foreign enemy – possibly associated with a Russian group demanding ransom payments. Therefore, during the entire next 90-day season it is imperative that our national leaders be on the lookout and prepare for more safety-security breaches and online attacks that could create waves of uncertainty, stress and worry throughout our population.

For much more on the opportunities and challenges associated with Solstices, Equinoxes, New and Full Moons and Eclipses, please listen to the most recent podcasts in the Mark Lerner Astrology Radio AstroScope section on our website.

You can read more about this Sun entering Cancer Solstice in the two calendar entries below. Please consider the merits of subscribing to the Astrology Cosmic Kalendar App to strengthen your already developing skills as a seer who can tune into the future ahead of time.

Cosmic Kalendar Entries for Wednesday June 21 and Thursday June 22 (All times are listed in PDT.)

Wednesday June 21 Before the Sun enters Cancer at the Solstice (7:59am) — one of the four sacred turning points of the calendar year — maintain a calm demeanor since the Sun in Gemini forms an oblique, 150-degree link with Pluto in Capricorn (3:21am) while Ceres re-enters Libra (4:31am) in a cycle that lasts until September 15. Once the Sun is in the water-strong fourth sign of the zodiac, Mercury in Gemini makes a supportive, 60-degree alliance with Mars in Leo (8:24am) and Ceres and the Sun form a potentially abrasive square (9:11am). Staying focused on home and family themes is important with the Sun now in Cancer while healing forces and love bonds demand attention as Mercury forms a supportive, 60-degree rapport with Chiron in Aries (6:43pm), the Moon makes its monthly union with Venus (8:09pm) and Juno forms an off-kilter, 150-degree connection with Pluto in Capricorn (8:17pm). Slow your tempo to adjust to changing circumstances that may be challenging to control as another wave of celestial seasonings is about to impact Mother Earth. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

Thursday June 22 Following the dynamism of the Sun entering Cancer on Wednesday and a barrage of cosmic influences, the universe remains super-active. Yesterday, the largest asteroid Ceres re-entered Libra and now Juno enters Cancer (4:41am) in a cycle that lasts until August 15 while 7+ hours later Vesta enters Gemini (12:18pm) in a cycle that lasts until September 13. Goddess and feminine vibrations are greatly enhanced. However, many more celestial maneuvers are taking place that can offer you insights or cause an increase in stress — for example Vesta trines Pluto in earth signs (12:34am), Venus parallels Uranus (2:10am), the Moon in Leo makes its monthly unions with Mars (5:43am) and Pallas Athena (11:32am) while the Moon trines Chiron in Aries (6:27am) and Mars makes the same harmonious aspect to Chiron in the evening (8:54pm). Meanwhile, a 17+ hour void lunar twilight zone begins at 10:02am and won’t conclude until 3:36am tomorrow when the Moon enters earthy Virgo. Plus, happening just two minutes apart during the void zone are Juno in Cancer squaring Ceres in Libra (11:25pm) and the Sun contacting Chiron in an inspirational, 72-degree quintile aspect (11:27pm). Once again, the complex and quirky nature of the cosmos is revealing its multi-faceted presence and it’s the job of ever-evolving human souls to make sense of what’s going on. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

To learn more about many archetypes associated with the Sun, the Moon, the eight planets Mercury through Pluto, Pallas Athena, Ceres, Juno, Vesta and Chiron – please visit the complimentary Astro-Business Keys section on our website.

And if you want to order a great report on the 4 main asteroids as well as Chiron in your birth chart — along with their meanings and mythological connections, zodiacal sign and house placements, and aspects to other celestial bodies when you were born — please click on our Special Offers Tab on the same website to order our 3-in-1 Special Astro Reports discounted at $89.99 that includes the Four Asteroids & Chiron Report, the Just for Women Report and a 1-year Sky Log Report on your major Transits and Progressions. Plus, we have two other 3-in-1 Special Reports combinations – Energize Your Life and Get into Your Progressions, and each of these packages is discounted to $89.99 as well. And now as well, we have a new report section entitled AstroWOW for you to visit to order four terrific reports!

You can view a sample of the Four Asteroids & Chiron Report for Margaret Thatcher to see the type of interpretations in this kind of computerized report which, if you order it as part of our 3-in-1 Special, will be based completely on your birth data. Sample Reports of well-known people around the world – for all our reports available for purchase in the Astrology Shop – are located in the Astrology Reports section.

Copyright 2023 by Mark Lerner and Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved.


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