Jane Fonda – born on December 21, 1937 – will experience birthday 85 today. The winner of two Academy Awards as Best Actress and nominated another 5 times (including The China Syndrome in 1979), her exactly-timed birth chart reveals all the reasons she became a political activist especially in the 1960s-1970s (admired greatly by opponents of the Vietnam War and vehemently criticized by many conservatives and right-wing advocates). While her Sun is in the last degree of Sagittarius, she is born with the 29th degree of Capricorn Rising (where Pluto was at the birth of the USA and where transiting Pluto is now). It may not surprise you that she is born with Jupiter on the Ascendant at the beginning of Aquarius and that her natal Moon is in the fixed-fire sign of regal Leo.

Dateline December 20, 2022: For those of you who are now enjoying the Astrology Cosmic Kalendar App one day at a time – but who have not yet subscribed to be able to look several weeks into the future – here is the calendar entry for the very potent Solstice (Sun entering Capricorn) on December 21, 2022. The Astrological Cosmic Kalendar began 41 years ago when it was at the heart-center of our Welcome to Planet Earth pioneering astrology newspaper/magazine during the 1980s and 1990s.

The main reasons this Solstice — energizing 0 Degrees of Capricorn — is extra significant is that the Sun is exactly united with the asteroid Hygeia (connected powerfully with a wide variety of health matters) and closely square to the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter in Aries, and the Sun is also closely opposite the distant real planet Chaos in the last degree of Gemini.

In addition, in the horoscope for the Solstice calculated for our nation’s capital in Washington, D.C., the Sun and Hygeia are setting, Chaos is rising, and the asteroid Vesta in Pisces (strongly associated with safety-security matters, investments and insurance issues, and soul-sister ties) is conjunct the Midheaven.

Be aware that the Solstice influences a three-month time-span and therefore has a longer influence than a New or Full Moon.
For much more on the opportunities and challenges associated with recent New and Full Moons and Eclipses, please listen to the most recent podcasts in the Mark Lerner Astrology Radio AstroScope section on our website.
You can read more about this Solstice below. Please consider the merits of subscribing to the Astrology Cosmic Kalendar App to strengthen your already developing skills as a seer who can tune into the future ahead of time.

Cosmic Kalendar Entry for Wednesday December 21 (All times are listed in PST.)
Wednesday December 21 One of the four spiritual turning points of the year arrives at 1:49pm as the Sun enters the last earth sign of Capricorn at the Solstice. While a major focus over the next four weeks is on rising to the heights in your career and professional realms, overdoing a good thing and being too proud of your achievements is not advised since the Sun moves on to square Jupiter in Aries (4:52pm). Conquer self-doubt and increased nervous tension as the Moon in Sagittarius makes its monthly polarity to Mars in Gemini (5:49pm) while the Sun shifts its emphasis from enlightening earthy Capricorn and the 90-degree joust with Jupiter to make an abrasive, 135-degree aspect to radical-change agent Uranus in Taurus (10:35pm). With the Moon now transiting the ninth sign of the zodiac, focus renewed attention on reaching long-range goals on the literary, educational and athletic horizons. Added Emphasis at this Time: As indicated earlier in this Global Hot Spot, the real planet Chaos – which has a nearly 310-year orbit around the Sun – is very close to the 0 Cancer point of the zodiac and therefore the Sun entering Capricorn is forming an illuminating opposition to this newly discovered planet. Although the planet Chaos was given this name by an astronomer, the true nature of distant Chaos may be more creative and inspirational in its influence on humanity and therefore this planet may not really be the cause of much of the chaotic vibrations and turbulence affecting the Earth at this time. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

To learn more about many archetypes associated with the Sun, the Moon, the eight planets Mercury through Pluto, Pallas Athena, Ceres, Juno, Vesta and Chiron – please visit the complimentary Astro-Business Keys section on our website at www.greatbearenterprises.com.
And if you want a great report on the 4 main asteroids as well as Chiron in your birth chart — along with their meanings and mythological connections, zodiacal sign and house placements, and aspects to other celestial bodies when you were born — please click on our Special Offers Tab on the same website to order our 3-in-1 Special Astro Reports discounted at $89.99 that includes the Four Asteroids & Chiron Report, the Just for Women Report and a 1-year Sky Log Report on your major Transits and Progressions. Plus, we have two other 3-in-1 Special Reports combinations – Energize Your Life and Get into Your Progressions, and each of these packages is discounted to $89.99 as well. And now as well, we have a new report section entitled AstroWOW for you to visit to order four terrific reports!
You can view a sample of the Four Asteroids & Chiron Report for Margaret Thatcher to see the type of interpretations in this kind of computerized report which, if you order it as part of our 3-in-1 Special, will be based completely on your birth data. Sample Reports of well-known people around the world – for all our reports available for purchase in the Astrology Shop – are located in the Astrology Reports section.

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